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Why choose us?

We all have a unique path to optimal performance.  We believe that anyone can build a career or become the CEO of their own business, and that’s what our programs are designed to help you do. A variety of personal development or direct sales classes that offers a variety of skills to help you find your next step.
  • Unique Coaching, Mentoring & Sales Agency
  • Tailored Training Solutions, Delivered Cost-Effectively Online or Group Seminars
  • Smart Planning, Budgeting and Execution Around Change and A NICER WAY

Meet the instructor

Timothy (Timo) Driedger

CEO - Mentor - Keynote Speaker 
Timo is a our Founder and Business Consultant since 2006 after retiring from a 20 year executive leadership career with The Jim Pattison Group. "We enjoy teaching leaders and those wanting to be the best."  Timo looks forward to sharing his love of building meaningful and effective content with all students to develop as well their sales & marketing abilities.

Our training programs

Our programs are built around core "KAIZEN" concepts and practical tools. You will exchange experiences and ideas with other participants, and keep each other accountable through peer-group coaching.

Industry Specific Leadership Training

Consultative Leadership Programs provide a powerful roadmap for a successful need-based dialogue when communicating with clients or team members.

Business Consulting Budgeting Strategy

The program is a collaborative one that helps organizations in their quest to achieve the highest levels of ROI plus organizational effectiveness.

Trusted Advisor Industry Certification

Trusted Advisor Training Program teaches you how to create trust and rapport among peers and clients.  Learn to build rapport and earn above average commissions.





Our courses

We offer a diverse selection of Training & Coaching Programs!

Under Promise Over Deliver

We will help you understand your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field delivering positive messages to clients, and be rewarded with above average sales and earnings. Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a leader in your space and industry from day one.
  • Read. Watch.
  • Learn. Improve.
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